Birthstone Chart by Month: 12 Birthstone Colors for Your Soul Stone

Did you know that common gemstones like diamonds, sapphires, and rubies also double as birthstones for specific months? 

Birthstones have captivated our fascination for centuries. Their vibrant colors and mystical meanings have made them a popular choice for jewelry pieces, from pearl necklaces and diamond rings to emerald bracelets and ruby necklaces. 

Our comprehensive birthstone chart explains the birthstone colors by month to help you choose the right gemstone hue when designing your Soul Stone crafted with your pet’s fur, hair, or ashes. 

Birthstone Chart and Its Meaning

If you’re new to birthstones and its meaning, a birthstone chart is the ideal starting place to learn more about these fascinating gemstones. 

What is a Birthstone Chart?

A birthstone chart is a reference that aligns each month of the year with a specific gemstone. 

These gemstones are believed to hold unique spiritual, physiological, and mythological properties, offering protection, healing, and luck to those born in their respective months. The chart can vary based on different traditions, including mystical, traditional, and modern interpretations, which you’ll learn more about later. 

Origins of Birthstones

The origins of birthstones can be traced way back to ancient civilizations. In this article, we’ll focus on the two most popular origins that have contributed to the modern-day significance of wearing birthstone colors according to your birth month. 

  • Biblical Roots 

The earliest mention of birthstones dates back to the Book of Exodus (the second book of the Bible, where the Breastplate of Aaron is described. This breastplate, worn by Aaron, the first High Priest of the Israelites, was adorned with 12 gemstones. 

Later, the 1st-century Jewish historian, Josephus, hypothesized that these 12 stones were associated with the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 months of the year, and the 12 zodiac signs. 

  • Hindu Tradition 

   In Hindu culture, the Navagraha (the nine celestial gods) are each associated with a specific gemstone: 

  • Surya (Sun): Ruby 
  • Chandra (Moon): Pearl 
  • Mangala (Mars): Red coral 
  • Budha (Mercury): Emerald 
  • Brihaspati (Jupiter): Yellow sapphire 
  • Shukra (Venus): Diamond 
  • Shani (Saturn): Blue sapphire 
  • Rahu (North Node of the Moon): Hessonite garnet 
  • Ketu (South Node of the Moon): Cat’s eye 

These gemstones were believed to harness the power of the planets and bring good fortune. Over centuries, these stones were adapted to fit the twelve-month calendar, aligning with the Western concept of birthstones.

How to Determine Your Birthstone Color by Month

Determining your birthstone color is pretty straightforward. 

  1. Look at the month you were born in. For example, if you were born in May, locate your birth month in the birthstone chart. 
  2. Match your birth month with its corresponding birthstone color and gemstone. Each stone has a distinct color that embodies the essence of that month.

Want to learn what your birthstone color is? Read on for our birthstone chart in the next section. 

Birthstone Chart by Month: What is Your Birthstone?

Whether you’re new to birthstones or need a refresher, our comprehensive birthstone chart by month will help you identify the right gemstone(s) for you. Keep scrolling to learn about the traditional and modern gemstones for specific months. 

January Birthstone: Garnet

Color: Deep red  

Meaning: Garnet symbolizes protection, strength, friendship, and trust. It is believed to bring energy, stability, and healing to its wearer, making it an ideal stone for those seeking to boost their inner strength and guard against negative energies or constantly traveling.  

How to wear it: Incorporate garnet into your accessories for a touch of elegance and a boost in energy. 

February Birthstone: Amethyst

Color: Pale lavender to deep violet 

Meaning: Amethyst represents love, courage, humility, and stability. This stone is thought to calm the mind, promote emotional balance, and enhance spiritual awareness. Through the ages, amethyst is a gemstone often associated with royalty, luxury, and power. 

How to wear it: Wear an amethyst ring to enhance clarity and tranquility in your life.

March Birthstone: Aquamarine (Traditional) & Bloodstone (Modern)

Color: Teal (Aquamarine), dark green with red spots (Bloodstone)  

Meaning: Aquamarine is associated with serenity, harmony, and happiness. This vibrant gemstone is believed to soothe the soul and encourage open, honest dialogue. Bloodstone signifies protection, courage, vitality, and good luck. Many people wear bloodstone to feel invigorated and clear out negative energy.  

How to wear it: Choose between aquamarine for tranquility or bloodstone for vitality in your everyday accessories. 

April Birthstone: Diamond

Color: Clear  

Meaning: Diamonds symbolize purity, strength, and eternal love. Known as a symbol of invincibility, diamonds are believed to enhance the wearer’s inner strength and relationships, making it a popular choice for engagement rings, wedding rings, and other tokens of love.  

How to wear it: Diamonds are one of the easiest gemstones to wear as everyday accessories. Shop our full collection below and step up the personalization by infusing your diamond jewelry with your pet’s essence.

May Birthstone: Emerald

Color: Green 

Meaning: Emeralds represent rebirth, eloquence, fertility, and true love. This jewelry stone is thought to bring prosperity, healing, and growth, enhancing the emotional and physical well-being of the wearer. In ancient times, emerald was often worn by the royalty. 

How to wear it: Wear an emerald bracelet or necklace to welcome a sense of renewal and insight into your life.

June Birthstone: Pearls (Traditional), Moonstone (Modern) & Alexandrite (Modern)

Color: White (Pearls), creamy white (Moonstone), green to red (Alexandrite)  

Meaning: Pearls symbolize prosperity and purity, often associated with elegance and integrity. Moonstone signifies intuition, feminine energy, and emotional balance, believed to enhance the wearer’s emotional stability and foresight. Alexandrite represents transformation and fortune, known for its ability to shift colors and bring luck.  

How to wear it: Choose pearls for sophistication, moonstone for emotional balance, and alexandrite for personal growth.

July Birthstone: Ruby

Color: Red  

Meaning: Rubies are a symbol of passion, protection, and prosperity. They are thought to enhance vitality, courage, and confidence, making them ideal for those seeking to ignite their inner fire and achieve success. 

How to wear it: Wear a ruby necklace or ruby ring that matches your daily outfit effortlessly. 

August Birthstone: Sardonyx (Traditional), Spinel (Modern) & Peridot (Modern)

Color: Brownish-red (Sardonyx), pink to red (Spinel), green (Peridot)  

Meaning: Sardonyx signifies strength and clear communication, believed to enhance stability and happiness. Spinel represents revitalization, thought to bring energy and longevity to the wearer. Peridot brings love and faithfulness, known for its ability to promote good health and purge negativity.   

How to wear it: Choose sardonyx for harmonious relations, spinel for rejuvenation, or peridot for joy.

September Birthstone: Sapphire

Meaning: Sapphires symbolize sincerity, loyalty, and nobility. They are believed to enhance mental clarity, truth, and trust, making them ideal for those seeking to strengthen their intellectual and spiritual pursuits.  

How to wear it: Wear a sapphire necklace or a sapphire ring to enhance your wisdom and spiritual truth.

October Birthstone: Opal (Traditional) & Tourmaline (Modern)

Color: Multi-color (Opal), various colors (Tourmaline)  

Meaning: Opals signify hope and purity, known for their ability to spark inspiration and clarify one’s thinking. Tourmaline represents enlightenment, protection, and serenity, thought to shield the wearer from negative energies and enhance emotional stability. 

How to wear it: Select opal for its creative energy or tourmaline for its protective qualities. 

November Birthstone: Topaz (Traditional), Yellow Topaz (Modern) & Citrine (Modern)

Color: Yellow (Topaz), light yellow (Yellow Topaz), pale yellow to brown (Citrine)  

Meaning: Topaz represents love and awareness, believed to enhance relationships and emotional warmth. Yellow Topaz signifies friendship and empathy, thought to aid in relationship-building. Citrine brings abundance and positive energy, known for its ability to attract prosperity and enhance vitality.  

How to wear it: Opt for topaz for emotional warmth, yellow topaz for clear thinking, or citrine for success. 

December Birthstone: Lapis Lazuli (Traditional), Turquoise (Traditional), Blue Topaz (Modern) & Zircon (Modern)

Color: Deep blue (Lapis Lazuli), blue to green (Turquoise), light blue (Blue Topaz), blue to green (Zircon)  

Meaning: Lapis lazuli symbolizes royalty, intellect, and friendship, thought to enhance communication and self-awareness. Turquoise represents luck and protection, known for its ability to strengthen the immune system and ward off negative vibes. Blue topaz signifies calmness and forgiveness, believed to soothe stress and anxiety. Zircon enhances psychic intuition, healing, and spiritual growth, making it ideal for those seeking to boost their self-esteem.  

How to wear it: Use lapis lazuli for truth, turquoise for protection, blue topaz for tranquility, or zircon for spiritual wisdom. 

Create Your Soul Stone According to Your Birth Month Color

Embrace the power of your birthstone by wearing it as an everyday accessory. Whether it’s in the form of a ring, necklace, or earrings, your birthstone can enhance your well-being and spiritual growth.